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OiM x Day Zero: Are young people still engaged?

  • Det Akademiske Kvarter 49 Olav Kyrres gate Bergen, Vestland, 5015 Norway (kart)

Hvert år avholder Universitetet i Bergen Bærekraftskonferansen i Bergen eller SDG Conference in Bergen. På konferansens første dag, kalt Day Zero, arrangeres flere digitale arrangementer. Målet med disse arrangementene er å kommunisere på tvers av disipliner, emner og mål. Tanken er at for å kunne skape en endring, så vi lærer av hverandre.

Om i Morgen deltar i år med en samtale ledet av Casper og Runo hvor de stiller spørsmålet “Er unge mennesker fremdeles engasjert?

Delta i samtalen fysisk på Det Akademiske Kvarter med oppmøte kl 15, eller digitalt.

Lær mer om arrangementet under.

Are young people still engaged?

This is the question we at Om i Morgen aim to explore in a panel discussion that will be live-streamed with an in-person audience. Together with representatives from various climate-focused volunteer organizations, we will examine young people's relationship with the climate crisis, their level of engagement, and how we can inspire greater interest and motivation to act.

The discussion will address topics such as whether there is a declining interest among young people in social engagement, what can be done to make climate action more appealing to younger audiences, and the values instilled in children and youth that may influence their attitudes toward the planet's future. We will also explore why clear warnings from scientists are not always enough to drive action and how economic uncertainty might impact priorities and hopes for addressing the climate crisis.

Panelists will have the opportunity to share their perspectives and experiences while engaging in a collaborative discussion on how to foster stronger commitment to a sustainable future. The audience will also be invited to ask questions, making the conversation dynamic and inclusive.

This discussion is particularly aimed at students but welcomes anyone interested in climate issues and our shared future. We hope for an engaging and inspiring conversation that not only highlights challenges but also provides insights into potential solutions and pathways forward.

Relevant SDGs:

16 - Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

17 - Partnerships for the Goals


Lær mer om day zero og se fjorårets websamtale om bærekraft ledet av Marita.

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